Musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy involves the assessment and treatment of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, nerves and other structures in order to:
- improve your movement and strength
- help you to do more of your normal activities
- help you to understand and manage your condition.
Treatment is likely to include an exercise program specific to your needs.
MSK Physiotherapy may not help if you:
- have had physiotherapy treatment for the same condition within the past year.
- are referring yourself for widespread aches and pains.
- have previously attended the Pain Clinic for the same condition.
We are unable to accept a self referral if:
- you are not registered with a GP within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
- your condition is due to a fracture or break within the past 3 months. We need a referral from your hospital clinic to make sure physiotherapy is appropriate.
- you have had surgery for this condition within the past 3 months. We need a referral from your hospital clinic to make sure physiotherapy is appropriate.
- you have attended Accident and Emergency or Minor Injuries Unit within the past 2 weeks for your condition. We need a referral from your hospital clinic.
- you require a home visit. Please ask your GP to refer you to Community Rehab Services.
- you are under 14 years old. Please ask your GP to refer you to Children’s Services.
Please download and complete the self referral form and submit by post or by hand to your nearest Physiotherapy department: for details.
We will add your referral to the waiting list. When you reach the top of the waiting list we will send you a letter asking you to contact our booking centre to arrange an appointment.
Please note:
- incomplete referrals will be returned for completion.
- if your referral is not appropriate for our service we will send you a letter to tell you.
- we do not send out letters acknowledging that we have received your referral. Information to help you manage your condition is available at: