Practice Physio – You can now see our practice physio instead of a GP for any joint, muscle and bone problems. Please call the practice to arrange an appointment.
Pregnancy Clinic – When you have a confirmed pregnancy result, please call the Booking line on 0141 347 8422 and they will organise an appointment for you to see the midwife.
Well Woman Services – Cervical smears, Breast checks, BP, Urine checks, Family Planning advice, Pre-pregnancy counselling and Post-natal checks. All of these services are available by making a double appointment to see the Practice Nurse or by making an appointment to see one of the GP’s.
Well Man Services –Male patients are welcome to make an appointment with the Practice Nurse for checks on blood pressure, urine, weight and cholesterol or to discuss any health query.
Skin Clinic – This clinic is run on a Tuesday afternoon on a fortnightly basis.
Blood Clinic – Patients should telephone the surgery for an appointment if they have been asked by the GP to have a blood test.
Tetanus Immunisation
All patients should be fully immunised. Please speak to a Practice Nurse if you are in any doubt as to whether you are covered.
Covid and Flu Immunisations
Eligible patients will be invited automatically by the Health Board.
Travel vaccinations
Please contact 0141 673 3003 or email:
Health Promotion
The practice believes there is many things patients can do themselves to improve their lifestyle and health. Our Practice Nurses can give advice to improve nutrition, help stop smoking, recommend exercise referral classes locally and can provide literature and advice on many topics. Many health worries can be dealt with by our well qualified nurses.
Minor Ailments Service
If you do not pay for prescriptions then you can use the Pharmacy First that is provided by your local pharmacy. This service can offer advice and treatment for minor ailments e.g. coughs, sore throats, head lice etc. Ask your pharmacist about this service or pick up an information leaflet at the surgery.
Bowel Screening Programme
As your family doctor we feel that it is very important for you to carry out the above test. All patients aged between 50-74 are invited to carry out this test every 2 years. Patients who are about to turn 50 will be sent an invitation approximately one to 2 weeks before their 50th birthday. The practice would like to encourage all patients within this age group to carry out this simple test as in fact this has already resulted in some patients in the practice who have had early bowel cancers detected and successfully treated. This has obviously prevented their condition from developing into a more serious and more complicated one.
If you have received a kit and have discarded the kit or it is out of date and you wish to carry out the test now, please contact the
Scottish Bowel Screening Helpline on: 0800 0121 833
More information on bowel screening is available from –
Scottish Bowel Screening Programme website:
Inverclyde Child Protection Website